Recent Thoughts

Saturday, October 02, 2004


What a great week! I’ve been reliving my prankster days of old by getting namely two victims. “Fartsie” (previously known as “The Lone Ranger”) and “Zub” who is “Fartsie’s” roommate and high school buddy.

First, let me introduce several new characters. We’ve got “Newbie” who is my roommate this year, “Zub” who I’ve introduced, “Sour Man” who is another one of “Fartsie’s” high school friends. That takes the number of pseudonyms up to 15. We’ve got:

01. Banana Man
02. The Cheshire Cat
03. Hyper Dude
04. Artsie
05. Fartsie
06. Zub
07. Sour Man
08. Jackass
09. Newbie
10. Midas
11. Froggie
12. Powerpuff
13. Puff
14. Sabbi
15. Sis

I got on “Zub’s” case when he told us all about how he got a message from someone on DC++ calling himself “Mr. Potato Head” asking him to join Positive Space. At the time, “Sour Man” was on “Zub’s” computer and he replied “Yes”. That’s where I picked up the idea for a joke. I grabbed a few positive space stickers from the U of T registrar and when I got home, I put one on “Zub’s” door. He saw it and thought someone was stalking him. When we went down for dinner, I took the sticker and put it on his door again with the words “Become one of us”. After dinner, he came back and saw it. He got pretty worried and even checked everyone’s writing. For some weird reason, he didn’t see the similarities between the writing on his door and my writing. The next day when I got back, I went to his door and put up the second sticker. I put up the words, “Don’t take this off. Be proud of who you are.” When he got back, I was in “Artsie’s” room which was next door. He saw the sticker and almost went berserk.

Basically, it started with me just sneaking up from behind either of the two and screaming wildly. Both of them tend to start or even utter something. It’s more fun with “Fartsie” not only because he gets scared but because he gets angry as well. Over the past week, I think I’ve scared both of them at least a dozen times. Some of them were classical moments. One of the times, “Fartsie” got so angry that he kicked his table sending bottles flying all over the place.

The pranks stepped up a notch when he decided to try getting back at me. We were all having supper meaning the top 9 people including “Midas’” roommate. It was breaking down into a semi-food fight between “Midas” and “Hyper Dude”. The two of them were throwing tissues and whatnots at each other. In the middle, I get hit on the head. I look up and surprise… it was “Fartsie”. I told him right there that he was dead. After a while, I get up and go towards the dessert area. I didn’t plan on getting anything. To get out of our seating area, I had to pass right behind “Fartsie”. I decided that the best way to get him would be to slap him hard on his chest. He’s been a bit tender there for the past few days since he had worked out. So when I came back empty-handed, I walked up behind him, poked him hard in the ribs and when he straightened up, I slapped him on the chest. It was too good! Better than I had planned! I got him realllllly well there! Later, I was talking to “Banana Man” when I get bonked on the head with another crumpled up piece of paper. It was time to start scheming against “Fartsie” again. So, everyone was talking and waiting for “Zub” to finish when I walked away. I then came back after a minute from behind “Fartsie”, ran quickly up to him and BAM! A huge slap on his back! He almost seemed to have gone into shock! It was hilarious! That taught him not to mess with me… bwahahahaha!

Today, at breakfast, I took my water gun down with me. I squirted “Newbie” and “Hyper Dude” without them suspecting me. After I squirted “Newbie” again, he made me get up and checked where I was sitting but even then he couldn’t find the gun. He knew he had seen the gun but had no idea where I had hid it! That wasn’t the really funny part. After breakfast, it was “Artsie”, “Fartsie”, “Hyper Dude” and I in “Artsie’s” room. I stood right behind “Fartsie” and squirted him in the rear with water. He slowly starts approaching towards a corner of the room where I was trapped. We were talking about how I got “Newbie” at breakfast as he still approached. When he finally started fighting with me, he kept trying to lift me up but I would push away his hands. Suddenly, he lunged for me and almost on instinct, I spun around him and slapped on a headlock. Bear in mind, he’s a big guy and he would have no trouble lifting up a scrawny guy like me. After a few futile attempts to throw me on a bed hence breaking my grip, he fell down with me. Keeping my grip on him, I used that infamous line from Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves. “Do you yield? Do you yield?” Haha! After a minute, he actually gave up! It was impressive! Jackass just handed “Fartsie” his arse on a platter! Woo-hoo! (I bet there’ll be repercussions for me saying that)

That wasn’t the end of it. After a while, I found myself in “Artisie’s” room again and when I was leaving, I decided to get “Fartsie” one last time for a while. So I walked in to “Fartsie’s” room and spotted him with his back towards me. I took out my gun and continuously squirted him with water. After a few seconds, where he seemed numb with disbelief that I would get him again, he started lumbering towards me pushing “Sour Man” out of his way. I ran towards the fire escape with him chasing me. I was laughing so hard that I couldn’t believe that I managed to outrun him. I ran up a flight and he chased me. When he realized he couldn’t catch me, he ran back down to our floor and ran towards the other stairwell where he thought I would come back down. He’s so heavy; I could hear him running below me. I just stopped and ducked into someone’s room. After placing a call to “Newbie” to keep the door to our room open and keeping an eye out for “Fartsie”, I stayed in my friend’s room for a while and then came back down. Victory! “Fartsie”, you’ve just been JACK-ED!

P.S. I know how that sounds!