Recent Thoughts

Tuesday, November 02, 2004


Yesterday, I didn’t feel like writing anything. I had a few small things on my mind. Then a short while before I went to bed, I had quite a few things that I just wanted to think about. Now’s a good time to go through them. Roomy’s not here and no friends to disturb my thinking.

First, I just wanted to talk about something that I can’t remember having mentioned in my blogs. In my mind, the ideal friendship can only occur between two people of the opposite gender. That friendship is just so good! There’s utter harmony there. I’m not talking about a romantic relationship but just a plain simple friendship. I am and have been for many years a great believer in the fact that all friendships between boys and girls do not lead to romantic involvement. However, I’ve been constantly bombarded from all sides by people arguing against me.

This ideal friendship gels so well and nary a fight occurs. The conversations flow for hours and even if the two friends talk daily for hours, they can do it all over again the next day. I believe I’ve mentioned this before but I am happy for those people who I know have that friendship. I have that friendship. Not to the degree that I wish but I’m really happy that I have what I do. Of course, she has someone else with whom she shares that friendship. Aw, you know I’m just kidding with you.

Life’s been pathetic for a while now. I feel like I’m caged in work. Just to be able to find time to do nothing. I think I’ll spend an hour after I’m done with this to stare out the window and relive my euphoric moments.

I don’t think I’m under stress from midterms but they are there hanging over my head urging me to study. With so many midterms, it becomes hard to keep track of how to approach one. I’ve finally got my final exams schedule. It’s demanding to say the least.

I guess living together has lived up to all our expectations but it’s also brought some unfortunate side effects. We’re getting tired of always having someone right there beside us. Our lone time is zilch. I’m sure none of us will want to spend too much time away from each other, but perhaps a little time wouldn’t hurt.

We’re just butting into each others’ lives all the time and I guess we’re crossing lines. It’s hard for us to distinguish someone just bugging us from someone trying to help us just by being there. At least, it is for me.

Heh, “Artsie” and I have been listening to the same songs these days. There hasn’t been a day that’s passed in recent memory that I don’t remember listening to either “Pennywise – Instrumental” or “Black Lab – Gates of the Country”

The weather is amazing for these days. I think this weekend, I’m going to put some amazing songs (like these two) on repeat, ask my roomy to either leave or be quiet for a few hours and stare out the window. Ah, the window… My door to freedom.

Here’s something a cousin of mine had to say about me:

taabish is an amalgam of many taabishs… “the cold taabish.. the SUPER friendly taabish.. caring taabish… .indifferent taabish etc etc” people who really know him..might know what I’m talking about. Has a very sarcastic sense of humour.. which is fine with me.. but others might find it hard to cope with!!! But if you have a keen sense of sarcasm you’ll love it with him!...hmm.. overall an amazing guy. never have a dull moment with him. ALL in all I love this guy’s personality… jaisee bhee hai!

I really liked what was written about me. I’m kind of surprised that in such a short time, I revealed so many different sides of me. Either that or my friend was really perceptive. I’m also kind of disappointed that I only have four different main personalities. I thought I was more moody than that.

I think I’ll have free time next weekend. I’m definitely going to work on my website then. I don’t have much to add but I definitely want to just assure myself that I did something with it.

I talked about having this drive in me a few blogs back. I don’t think I have that drive anymore but I’m still working like I did. I only hope that the drive comes back before I begin to suffer.

I’m just tired. I want to lie down and do nothing. I want to have nothing running through my head, have nothing disturb me, not feel like I wasted time and get back up when life’s gotten better. Yet, lying down and hoping won’t help. I need to do something to improve life before I can finally lie down and enjoy as much of it as I can before it slips again. Life is like a balloon with a teensy-weensy hole in it. You have to keep inflating the balloon to have fun with it but eventually you need to work at inflating it again. On top of that, the hole’s too small to be detected. Similarly, life has this hole which can’t be found and out of which all pleasure is sucked from. I’ve been unable to find this hole but I’ve given it a name… Engineering.