Recent Thoughts

Wednesday, January 05, 2005


I had a half-hour before I was planning on lying down so out of a lack of activities for me to do, I randomly chose a blog of mine to read. It just so happened that I chose one of the longest (if not the longest) ones that I’ve written. It was pretty interesting for me to read through it. It’s titled “Recent Thou… Complaints”. I wrote it this past summer when I was in Dubai.

It was refreshing to gain a fresh aspect in to my different sides. Reading through, I could relate to what I talked about back then, but I don’t think the same way I did then. I liked the several humorous comments that are subtly placed here and there. It was amusing reading how I described my thoughts and the funny sentences accompanying them.

I also got a glimpse of my ruthless side. I realised that I used to be pretty harsh and unfair. Perhaps I had not thought through the whole matter before commenting on it but even though I feel that I would have thought the same way, I would been more ‘diluted’ in my words.

I’m sure that I haven’t changed much since then but it’s not like that matters. I’m not regretting who I was in the past for it’s helped define who I am in the present and the same holds true for the future.

I’m still running high on my beliefs that I shall become successful and all, but… but… I’m going to first conquer my pessimism.

The reason I’m called a pessimist is because I point out the negative side in things. I call myself a realist because I’m pointing out the other side of the story. Usually, the other person is quick to list the positive aspects so I’m normally left with the dirty job of reminding them of the liabilities. Give me a chance and I shall be the one to list the good points.

I’m a dreamer. After a long time, I’m going to take my dreams out of the closet and re-examine them. Perhaps, they were placed in the closet because they weren’t what I wanted in the first place .

Perhaps, I just wasn’t ready to go after them.

I’m ready.