Buddy Or Beau?

*** My Note ***
Take this how you will and apply it to your life. Some of you out there might have someone you feel strongly about. If not already, take the chance to tell them how you feel.
"The bittersweet tears shed over graves are for words left unsaid and deeds left undone." - Harriet Beecher Stowe
*** End Note ***
I dream of you every night. Your presence there has become as natural as my own. Since you arrived, my dreams have been better, if not good. I would not change a thing for I feel as if you bring a sense of ease to my dreams. That everything finally feels right and I have what I need.
Someday, I’ll dare to take your hand as we walk so that I can feel your touch in my palm. To feel comforted that you’re right there by my side. To have you tug on my sleeve when you need something and make me feel as if there is something I have to offer you. Someday, I might dare to say that for the briefest of moments, your lips graced mine.
Day in and day out, I will continue in my attempts to never let you feel alone. I shall continue to stand by your side. To smile when you laugh. To give you a shoulder to cry on. To give an ear when you talk. To give a hug when you need the comfort.
Compromise fails to take on meaning when it comes to you. My wishes align with yours and my efforts are for your benefit. For every second that I spend with you is a gift. My only offering… devotion.
Do understand that I value the time we’ve spent together and I do still yearn for your company. So much so that I hate the farewells and I desperately think of ways to see you for just the one extra second. Hoping that maybe finally, I’ll work up the nerve to smile at you, perhaps take your hand and pull you close. I miss you. It’s hard to believe but I miss you. I could meet you all the time but it’s still never enough. You don’t understand what it means to me when I can say that you took the time out to meet me.
I’m always straining my mind to think of something to talk to you about. When I look into your eyes, I always dread to see boredom. I’m always just looking to lock eyes with you so that I can just feel one extra connection with you. It’s sad but true. Humour me and let me feel as if I’m not completely delusional in thinking that perhaps it’s possible a girl like you could stand by me.
Impossible is nothing but the same goes for your feelings for me… Nothing. It is not to be and I will not force it. I will not ask to see if you will be mine. I only ask if you will take what I offer. I cherish your happiness, treasure your smile. I hope your happiness is as eternal as your presence in my thoughts. Call it an infatuation or a schoolboy crush, I don’t mind. Just know that I care and I’m always looking out for you. Whether it’s now or later, I shall always stand on the sidelines and root you on. I will continue to dream about you for it’s the only place where I know you can be mine and I can make you as happy as you deserve to be. Don’t doubt me on that – your happiness is what matters to me and I shall always be the person you need me to be. If that means that I should remain your friend and shelve my feelings, then so be it.