Recent Thoughts

Friday, August 25, 2006

Dark Bullets

I’m in love! It’s an undeniable feeling. When it hits you, you melt in it. You can’t reject the feeling and you don’t want to. You just want to let it fill you and take over you. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I am in love. In love with the night!

Some may recall that I have certain periods of time where I can (and have) spent hours at a time just staring off into space on the balcony. You could think of anything and everything that you want. It’s such a relaxing way to spend your time!

When was the last time you laid everything aside and stood outside at 4 AM? “Normal people sleep at this time”. There’s no such thing as a normal life. There’s just life. Everyone lives it the way they do.

Night has finality about it. It’s always there. It marks the end of a day. I’ll tell you what I see when I stand on my balcony and look out at the world.

I see the occasional light left on in someone’s apartment. I see street lights and I see city lights in the distance. The occasional car passes by on a road that’s otherwise quietly lit in the golden hue of the lamps above it. A cool breeze chills me but makes me want to stay out there longer. The serenity is there. No one seems to be in a rush. The world has finally gone quiet. It’s finally taken the time to sit back and relax.

People aren’t speeding to get home. It’s the dead of the night and it’s as if they subconsciously know that the few extra minutes won’t make a difference. Or perhaps, the solitude and quietness around them seeps in and slows their pace.

The cars just go by almost as if they’d never need to stop. There are no obstacles, no changes of pace, no nothing. They keep coming and going. The night sky seems to go on forever. There’s uniformity about the sky. No clouds, no shades of blue. Just dark as far as I’d care to see.

In a world where people rush to get about, make haste to get the job done and speed to earn a dollar, the night provides a break where people can either finally lie down and let the hours of the night help them unwind in slumber or enjoy the quiet and solitude.

The night symbolises a life of simplicity. The cars are us living our lives. No barriers, no problems. No slowing down for others or avoiding them. The uniformity brings a sense of unity. As far as I can see, everyone’s in the same situation. We’re linked!

People are going home. They are finally going to be able to wrap up their day and go to bed. There’s nothing more in the day for them and that brings a sense of relief… relief that you’re done.

The few people still awake at this time… you can reach out to them. In a small way, you’re on the same wavelength as them.

I think what I love most is the serenity. To be able to stand on the balcony and feel absolutely peaceful. It gives rise to such a powerful feeling of safety and you just wish that others could share this feeling with you.

I don’t need to use analogies to compare the night to our lives. They are two completely different things and both have a beauty about them. Take the night for what it is and enjoy it. Sleeping it away could be considered a worthwhile way to spend it but for me, soaking in the elements of the night makes it wonderful.

I invite any of you who are reading this to stay awake those few extra hours and go outside when your immediate world cannot get any quieter. I’d love to stand with you and share that time with you. Don’t worry about what you’re going to do or what you could be doing instead. Rather, just stand there and start looking around you. Your mind will drift on its own and thoughts float by.

I feel like my family is such a close-knit circle. A group of people together in everything. We may be everywhere but we’re still together day in and day out. An impenetrable fortress of resolve and love. Except, no matter how strong the barrier, life cannot be stopped. Time will pass.

Understanding the way of life is no consolation. Emotions cannot be subdued with rational thoughts. The actions you take based on them can be, though.

Somewhere along the line, I lost a large chunk of fear. I don’t think it’s that I’m religious and fear only God. Instead, I believe I may have just reached the point where “I don’t care” and arrogance have mixed. I know I’m not afraid of getting hit by a car. I know I’m not afraid of some random person attacking me. And I strongly believe that I could have a gun pointed at me and stay cool.

Living the scenario is different from what you think you know. I admit that but I can guarantee the first two. It’s just reached the point where I’d believe that nothing can hurt me and if it does, I can fight back.

With the third, I think I just don’t care what happens. We’re here to live full lives and enjoy them while staying true to our values. Regardless of religion, colour or culture, the right way to live is unanimous for all of us. 21 years of that is more than enough time to experience so much and although there is so much more, it would all be considered a bonus. You don’t really need it but it’ll be nice to have. More time to be spent with family. More time spent with parents and more time spent with friends.

So, point a gun at me. I guess I don’t care enough so I’d just want to challenge the person to pull the trigger! I suppose I could talk metaphorically. Threaten me with something and I’ll just stare at you with the look that says “Knock yourself out. I couldn’t care less!”

My lover beckons. I want to stand on the balcony once more and feel the hug of the night envelop me. To enjoy the time spent there to cap off the day on a relaxing note. Go to bed with a smile. Just that guarantees you’re not going to bed alone.