Recent Thoughts

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Cameo Post

It’s been more than seven months since my last post. I suppose I just ran out of things to talk about. There hasn’t really been anything in the past half a year that’s made me go “Hmm”.

I’ve noticed a sharp rise in my confidence level recently. I always considered myself to me sure of myself and confident but most of the time, I felt that it wasn’t confidence. It was more like brashness or arrogance. There are few people who’d doubt that. More than once, I’ve been told that something about me makes others think that they are inferior to me. I don’t know why but I feel that’s different from them saying that I make them feel like I am superior. It could just be my own mental ego trying to tell me that it’s their fault for feeling insecure.

However, now, I feel as if the arrogance has taken a backseat to confidence. I have no qualms about stating what I think and backing it up if I believe it. I have no problem with telling others that they are wrong or that they are expecting too much. People used to tell me that doing all that can be bad in a workplace and often it rubs people the wrong way. They could be right – but so far, I have always been complimented on being confident at the office. It could be a case of where you push your limits until they snap and then you cry about things going wrong. However, the same could be said for lying dormant.

I should get “Emperor” to enlighten me further on this. *Side Note* “Banana Man” has been renamed “Emperor”

I’ve been trying to get tanned recently. A friend told me that she can tell the difference. During the academic year, we’d all be a pasty white shade as we sat in the labs working on project after project. It was like we were all cancer patients, each of us hooked up to our own computer. So what have I done to get tanned? I did nothing like the typical white people who lie in the sun for hours and hours (Hi “Genius Girl”). I’ve just been going out with friends a lot and occasionally that involved standing in the sun for hours and hours. Of course, it’s only the arms and the face that get tanned. The general public is not yet ready to witness my upper body or my legs. I could not do that to them.

One thing has been nagging me for almost a week now. It was a simple statement but it’s still there in my head. “She cried so damn much, man” It’s still something that haunts me. It’s been more than a year but it still echoes in my head. You know what’s worse? I haven’t learnt from past mistakes. There are just so many unsettled issues there but there’s no opportunity to resolve them. This was the sole reason for me making a post.

I suppose things in the past can never be laid to rest and nor should they be. They keep you on your feet and although getting caught up in them is a bad idea, so is the idea of putting them behind you. I just wish this problem could be resolved *twitches nose*

Ok, I was just sending off a birthday e-mail to a friend of mine from high school. Something felt odd though. He’s turning 22 but I remember wishing him for his 15th birthday. That couldn’t be right because I haven’t known him for 7 years! Yet, it’s true. It’s been almost 8 years that I’ve known him. I can count the years and they remain just a number but at this particular moment, the gravity of that number just hit me. 8 years is a long time but it feels like it all passed in a snap.

The older people who read this post will probably smile and shake their head thinking of a certain friend of theirs who they’ve known for longer than I’ve been alive.

It makes me think of “Artsie”. I’ve known him for more than 14 years. That’s an awfully long time! I’ve known “Midas” for 12 years. I’ve known them for more than half my life. Just for that reason alone, they are two very special people to me. Add on the fact that they are two amazing people and special doesn’t even come close to doing them justice.

Yes, I’m mentioning my friends here when I could be talking about my family and talking about various relatives who have known me all my life. I could talk about my parents who have reared me from birth and beyond. They always tell me – Friends come and go but family is there forever. So, having friends who have been with me for so many years is a milestone. Mentioning my family being with me for all my life is like saying that the Toronto Maple Leafs are bad. It’s obvious, it’s well-known and that fact rings true every single day.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006


We are the men of the world
Ready to fight with our fists curled
We are the strong ones, we deal with pain
We control the women, we keep them sane

A woman does much, I agree
But there’s a simple point that you must see
Without us guys around, there’s naught for them to do
The women would sit around with only their hair to do

Idle hands are no good to men
So we are slobs, giving work to them
If we did all that we could
The women could lie as still as wood

For it is because of us that women are here
To iron our clothes and protect our children so dear
They should be able to do every task
Cook, clean and strip when we ask!

There’s one more point that I’d like to make
We’d all be in Eden if not for the women
You idiots! You listened to a Snake!
You idiots! You’re as bad as vermin!

Tuesday, July 4th 2006